Young Talents 2016 • Fundația Vodafone România - e normal sa facem bine

Young Talents 2016

Partner: The Princess Margareta of Romania Foundation
Location: Bucharest
Project at a glance: ”Young Talents” supports musicians and artists from low-income families through scholarships, promotion and mentoring.

Why this project is needed

Talent needs not only hard work but also financial support to sustain, improve and perfect itself. Therefore, the young artists who come from poor families, however talented, ambitious and full of dreams they are, set out with much less chance of success than children with financial means.

Community support can be decisive for the future of these children and it can make the difference between success and mediocrity, between a wasted talent and a fulfilled potential for the benefit of the entire society

The Princess Margareta of Romania Foundation mobilizes community resources, both financial and human, for young musicians and artists from disadvantaged families to enjoy generous scholarships, promotion and learning opportunities, mentors and models in the community.
How we help

The Vodafone Romania Foundation financially supports the „Young Talents” project of the Princess Margareta of Romania Foundation, so as 34 talented young people can benefit in 2016 from scholarships and numerous promotion and learning opportunities. The partnership between the two foundations for this project started in 2013 and, since then, 66 other young people have benefited from scholarships under the program.

”Young Talents” is addressed to children and young people aged between 14 and 24, studying during the year in the schools and universities of art and music in the country and coming from families with low financial means, thus making it difficult for them to develop, refine and promote their artistic potential.

Young people receive annual scholarships of up to EUR 2,000, meant to cover the costs of materials and instruments required for study and artistic development, the payment of fees for participation in courses and national and international competitions.

In addition to receiving financial support, the young people have the chance to interact with famous artists in their chosen artistic field, especially through monthly discussion sessions and creation workshops organized by the Princess Margareta of Romania Foundation with the support of prominent professors and artists.

Furthermore, young people are invited and encouraged to expose their work and to make their talent known in numerous events organized by the project initiators especially for scholarship beneficiaries. Every year, young artists share ideas and produce an original interdisciplinary performance in the creation camp from Tescani.

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