By the forgotten grandparents’ side • Fundația Vodafone România - e normal sa facem bine

By the forgotten grandparents’ side

The Vodafone Romania Foundation and the Community Support from Bacau have launched the “By the forgotten grandparents’ side”, a project for supporting the elderly with health issues or other difficulties from Bacău. They will benefit from medical aid, homecare, special recovery and social care services.

The Vodafone Romania Foundation is this program’s main sponsor, lending support to 800 elderly people, with an investment of 46.000 euro.

“By the forgotten grandparents’ side” ensures the continuity of medical services after the patient’s discharge, offering social and homecare services, and then recovery and reintegration within the Day Centre or the residential complex Satul Seniorilor Millz in Buhuși.

Homecare is performed by medical assistants and personnel qualified for tending to the elderly through regular visits at the patients’ residence. They help them with housekeeping, personal care and hygiene, preparing and serving meals and daily grocery shopping. The Community Support Foundation’s personnel is supported in these activities by the Vodafone volunteers from Bacău.

Furthermore, through this project the elderly will also benefit from special services within the “Dr. Ștefan Ciobanu” Day Centre, opened in 2002, where they can take part in recreational, social, but also recovery (psysical therapy or kinetotherapy) activities.

The project also has an educational component, promoting an image for the elderly as active people, willing and capable of a normal social life, despite financial or medical difficulties. This will be achieved through organizing a senior theatre company which will hold a mini-tour throughout similar centres and programs in the area, aiming to promote creativity and a pro-social attitude among senior citizens.

The partnership between the Vodafone Romania Foundation and the Community Support Foundation from Bacău goes back as far as 2007, established on a mutual interest in supporting various volunteer projects and homecare services for the elderly.

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