martie 25, 2015 • Fundația Vodafone România - e normal sa facem bine

martie 25, 2015

Poţi să iei premiul I dacă locuieşti la subsol?

Doamna Petre are şase copii, dintre care unul cu sindrom Down. Locuiesc cu toţii în subsolul unui bloc din Ferentari, într-o boxă de şase metri pătraţi, plină de umezeală şi igrasie. Prin această cameră, întunecată, prin care nu pătrunde nicio rază de soare, trec conductele de încălzire şi apă caldă, care se mai sparg, din când în când.

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Can you win 1stplace if you live in a basement?

Missis Petre has 6 children, one of which suffers from Down syndrome. The youngest is two years old and the oldest is 13, and they all live in the basement of a building in the Ferentari neighbourhood of Bucharest, in a damp and mouldy 6 square meters box. There is no sunlight in this dark room, and heating and hot water pipes cross through the ceiling, which are vulnerable to bursting.

The smell is dreadful; going down there, your nose and throat will burn and you’ll find it difficult to breathe. Their father couldn’t take all of this anymore and hung himself, leaving his family to fend off for themselves. This is one of the social cases undertaken by the Saint Stelian Association, through the Steluţa Day Care Centre, financed by the Vodafone Romania Foundation.

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