- This modernization is part of a program called “Life for Newborns Fund”, which was granted 4.5 million lei by the Vodafone Romania Foundation
- The Târgu Mureș Project, which was implemented with the help of “Cristi Vasiliu” Association includes the fitting of medical equipment, as well as training courses for medical staff
- Within the scope of this program fell five other neonatal units
Târgu Mureș, 9th August 2022 – The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit within the Mureș County Clinical Hospital was fitted with medical equipment and devices valued at over 900.000 lei, as part of the “Life for Newborns in Mureș”, started by the Cristi Vasiliu Association (ACV). 791.750 lei out of the total project value were granted to the program’s founder and main sponsor by the Vodafone Romania Foundation, having been co-financed by the Mureș County Council, which provided a sum of 100.000 lei and the Cristi Vasiliu Association, with a sum of 40.660 that was raised from donations made by natural persons and companies from Târgu Mureș.
Among the newly installed equipment at the Mureș County Hospital by means of this program, a telemedicine system that helps medical staff specialized in neonatology from Târgu Mureș to connect and discuss in real time with their colleagues and specialists from other neonatal intensive care units throughout the country, in order to diagnose correctly the small patients, obtain a diagnosis confirmation or take the decision to transfer the patient to a different superior unit in optimal conditions; UPS device; new power generator; laminar flow table; echocardiography transducer and specialized devices used for the hospital’s five lines of neonatal intensive care therapy are of note.
The project consists of a training component that will see all of the medical staff and nurses from the County Clinical Hospital’s neonatal and intensive therapy unit benefit from improvement sessions by working together with the neonatal intensive care unit team from the Marie Curie Emergency Children’s Hospital Bucharest, whose unit was built with funding from the Vodafone Romania Foundation and which is the most modern unit of this type in Romania.
Two medical staff as well as two nurses have undergone 160 hours of training until now, hours in which they have broadened their knowledge regarding: advanced ventilation techniques, nitric oxide ventilation, dialysis technique, therapeutic practices for newborns diagnosed with rare metabolic diseases, pre and post operative nursing care of the newborns with congenital heart defects or congenital malformations of the digestive tract.
The Târgu Mureș Project counts among the six projects that were granted a total of 4.5 million lei by the Vodafone Romania Foundation in the 2021-2022 edition of the program “Life for Newborns Fund”. The program was started with the aim to help lowering the national infant mortality rate by increasing the capacity of the neonatal intensive care units and departments to stabilize, diagnose, treat and transfer newborn patients with different medical conditions.

The Vodafone Romania Foundation is a Romanian non-governmental organization with charitable status that is distinct and independent from the commercial operations of the company and was founded in 1998. In its 20 plus years of life, the Vodafone Romania Foundation has funded over 1.168 programs that were run by 745 NGOs from all around the country. The projects have had over 3 million beneficiaries in children, youth, seniors, physically, socially and economically disadvantaged persons. To date, the Vodafone Romania Foundation has invested more than 31 million euros in projects run by partnering NGOs. More details about the Foundation’s programs can be found at www.fundatia-vodafone.ro http://jurnaldebine.fundatia-vodafone.ro/ and www.facebook.com/fundatiavodafone
ACV (Cristi Vasiliu Association) is an NGO from Târgu Mureș. ACV is involved in the health department through its projects that it either runs or funds: emotional support programs for the children that are admitted to the hospital, fitting hospitals with equipment and devices that offer COVID protection, accreditation and training of specialists in dysphagia in Romania, modernizing newborn intensive care units within the two hospitals from Târgu Mureș. More about ACV can be found at www.acvromania.ro