Bucharest, June 7, 2018 – The Vodafone Romania Foundation launches the fifth annual edition of the „Good Deeds Fund” funding round, with the total sum allocated in 2018 amounting to RON 920,000.
The „Good Deeds Fund” is a national program based on a „call for proposals” type of funding, designed to support non-governmental organizations in Romania, engaged in developing projects in the fields of education, healthcare, social services and volunteering addressed to disadvantaged social groups (children, young people, old people, people with disabilities). Funding allocated per project through this program can amount to up to RON 230,000. Since the launch of the program in 2013, Vodafone Romania has granted a total funding of about RON 6 million to 30 projects run by 27 NGOs. The projects funded included two national caravans, The Mobile Unit, a project run by the Doctors’ Caravan Association, and the Merciful Fairy, a project run by the Merci Charity Boutique Association. The projects funded in the previous edition of the program had a total of 4,700 beneficiaries.
„We are happy to announce that NGOs presenting original project ideas of a significant benefic impact on the community can apply for funding under the new round. It is a program prompted by the need to drive changes that can really improve people’s lives and through which we wish to give a chance to ideas that can turn our wish into reality. The funding opportunity we provide has been able to attract, with every new edition, a growing interest from organizations. We have supported many beautiful and diverse projects so far and the results are the measure of the success of the program. We plan to measure this success further in the same way,” Angela Galeța, Director of the Vodafone Romania Foundation.
Projects eligible for funding through the „Good Deed Fund” may be dedicated, for example, to increasing the quality of the medical services in a medical unit, providing social assistance services to vulnerable people, providing support to people with disabilities, increasing the quality of education, preventing school drop-out and family abandonment and using technology to improve people’s lives

The projects filed for financing purposes will be evaluated by a team composed of members of the Board of Directors, members of the Vodafone Romania Foundation team and external consultants. Evaluation will take into account several criteria, such as the project relevance (the extent to which the project responds to real community needs), the project impact (whether the project is indeed capable to trigger a significant change locally or nation-wide to as many beneficiaries as possible) and the project sustainability (whether the project will continue to run after the end of the financing).
Projects may be lodged online at http://finanţare.fundaţia-vodafone.ro/. This webpage also contains information about enrolling, participation rules, eligibility and evaluation criteria, the enrollment form and the full timetable of the funding round. The deadline for submission of applications is June 26, 2018
The Vodafone Romania Foundation is a Romanian nongovernmental charitable organization, established in 1998, which operates separately and independently from the Vodafone Romania SA’s business. During its 20 years of activity, Vodafone Romania Foundation has funded 1,104 programs run by 706 NGOs throughout the country, in the fields of healthcare, education and social services. These projects had a total of 2.7 million beneficiaries – children, young and old people and physically, socially or economically disadvantaged people. So far, Vodafone Romania has invested over 28 million euros in projects run by nonprofit partner organizations. More details about the Foundation’s programs are available at www.Fundația-vodafone.ro, http://jurnaldebine.Fundația-vodafone.ro/ and www.facebook.com/Fundațiavodafone.