Bucharest, October 21, 2021 – The Vodafone Romania Foundation announces the winners of the seventh edition of the Good Deeds Fund call for proposals, which supports projects that help increasing the social inclusion of vulnerable social groups. The projects are carried out by non-governmental organizations in the field of education, health and social services. The total amount allocated by the Vodafone Romania Foundation for the 2020 – 2021 financing round is 1,270,000 lei. The projects will be implemented between November 2021 and December 2022.
The projects designated to receive funding are:
Edushare.ro, financed with 260,000 lei and carried out by the Citizen Next Association, offers remedial activities in the form of tutoring for Romanian Language and Mathematics. The tutoring will be held on an online educational platform focused on „microlearning” (learning in small groups), to help students recover learning delays caused by the pandemic as much as possible.
DARA is a project funded with 250,000 lei, carried out by the Dăruiește Aripi Association which aims to improve health care and the quality of life of children with cancer or other serious chronic diseases in Romania. The digital platform will ensure the continuation of children’s medical care after discharge, in an integrated approach, by creating multidisciplinary teams that respond promptly to the child’s needs, according to the guidelines of best medical practice in force and under real-time coordination and guidance of attending physicians, regardless of where the child is located.
Education without bullying, project funded with 260,000 lei and carried out by the Asociația Părinților Isteți relies on the development of a mobile application for preventing violence of any kind among students, increasing social inclusion of people at risk (minority ethnic groups, people with special needs, from disadvantaged backgrounds or with gender differences etc.), as well as improving the quality of life of students.
Psycho-emotional support for sick children and their parents is a project funded with 240,000 lei and carried out by the M.A.M.E. Association. This project aims to reduce the negative effects caused by the diagnosis of a serious illness among children, by developing an online platform that offers free access to resources, emotional support and free psychological counseling for sick children and their parents.
The ILO-Ferentari Community Center, a project funded with 260,000 lei and developed by the Carousel Association, provides a sustainable program of integrated services (social, medical, financial) for people from Ferentari neighborhood in Bucharest and its surroundings, who face extreme poverty and other associated vulnerabilities.
The Good Deeds Fund is a national program based on „call for proposals” funding. Since the launch of the program, in 2013, the Vodafone Romania Foundation has granted total funding of over 7 million lei for 40 projects carried out by 35 non-governmental organizations.

Vodafone Romania Foundation is a Romanian non-governmental charitable organization, established in 1998, which operates separately and independently from the company’s business. Over more than 20 years of activity, the Vodafone Romania Foundation has funded 1,168 programs run by 745 NGOs throughout the country, in the fields of healthcare, education and social services. The projects had over 3 million beneficiaries – children, young people, elderly, physically, socially, or economically disadvantaged people. So far, the Vodafone Romania Foundation has invested 31 million euros in projects run by non-profit partner organizations. More details about the Foundation’s programs are available at fundatia-vodafone.ro, http://jurnaldebine.fundatiavodafone.ro and www.facebook.com/fundatiavodafone.