Bucharest, July 27, 2021 – The Center for Educational Evaluation and Analysis and the Vodafone Romania Foundation started the project „Investigating and understanding physics”, for the creation of online educational resources and video experiments for teachers who use the method of investigation in their physics classes. The project funded by the Vodafone Romania Foundation with RON 112,000 runs until February 2022.
The project „Investigating and understanding physics” is based on another program developed by the Center for Educational Evaluation and Analysis – “Different Physics” – launched in 2011, which consisted in the development of educational resources (methodological guide for teaching physics, worksheets for students, video experiments) so that teachers can use the investigative learning method in their classes. The program thus demonstrated that the transition to the method of learning physics through investigation has a measurable impact on student outcomes.
Alongside the pandemic and the transition to online schooling, it has become necessary to adapt these resources to the new way of teaching and learning. In addition to digitizing some of the existing resources, the “Investigating and understanding physics” project also involves the creation of new digital content such as dynamic worksheets. These give teachers the opportunity to apply the method of investigation both in the online scenario and in the classroom, and that’s very useful taking into account the lack of experimental kits in schools and limited access to physics laboratories.
What does „Investigating and understanding physics” program include:
- A web platform with interactive digital resources that can be integrated into Google Workspace (Classroom, Drive, Google Sheets). At the same time, in a dedicated section of the platform, users can find lesson plans developed by experienced teachers who will guide teachers in organizing and conducting physics classes.Fișe de lucru digitale, interactive, care permit lucrul colaborativ în clasă, dar și sub formă de temă pentru acasă.
- Digital, interactive worksheets that allow collaborative work in the classroom, but also in the form of homework.
- 60 video experiments with applied exercises.
All resources will be available for free on YouTube as well.
The Association Center for Educational Evaluation and Analysis is a government organization that aims to cultivate research, investigation and trial in the education system, guiding science teachers to change the way they work with students and showing decision-makers that the skills developed by a new way of teaching are truly beneficial for children. More details about the association’s programs can be found here.
The Vodafone Romania Foundation is a Romanian non-governmental charitable organization, established in 1998, which operates separately and independently from the company’s business. Over more than 20 years of activity, the Vodafone Romania Foundation has funded 1,168 programs run by 765 NGOs throughout the country, in the fields of healthcare, education and social services. These projects had more than 3 million beneficiaries – children, young and old people, physically, socially, or economically disadvantaged people. So far, the Vodafone Romania Foundation has invested 31 million euros in projects run by non-profit partner organizations. More details about the Foundation’s programs are available at www.fundatia-vodafone.ro, http://jurnaldebine.fundatiavodafone.ro/ și www.facebook.com/fundatiavodafone.